
What is Viagra

Viagra (not to be confused with Cialis or Tadalaphil) relaxes the user’s muscles found in the walls of blood vessels and increases blood flow to particular areas of the body. It only needs to be taken when you need it and it usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour to work. After having sex, the erection should go away. If it doesn’t go after 4 hours, then you should call a doctor.

It’s generally taken to treat ED (erectile dysfunction), and although it can be great at what it does, the user should first check with a medical expert if it will be safe for them to use.

What does Viagra Do

Viagra can be used to help a man with ED, which is when a male has problems keeping an erection for a period of time, or with getting one at all. It relaxes the muscles in the walls of their blood vessels and it can also raise the amount of blood flow to the penis, allowing the user to get an erection and keep it for a certain amount of time.

It only works when you are sexually stimulated, and it can be taken up to 4 hours before having sex.

Is Viagra dangerous?

Viagra can be harmful to some people, as some medicines affect the way that it works – and this can cause some unwanted side-effects. You should avoid Viagra if:

  • You take nitrate medicines, such as nitroglycerin, as this could severely drop your blood pressure
  • You need guanylate cyclase stimulators, such as riociguat, as this can also drop your blood pressure
  • You take medicines called alpha-blockers, which can drop the blood pressure of some people and also cause them to faint. Some of these medicines include Rapaflo, Hytrin, Cardura, Flowmax, Uroxatral, Minipress and Jalyn
  • You use HIV prostate inhibitors, such as Ketoconazole (Nizoral)
  • You take other medicine treatments for erectile dysfunction

Side-effects that can be experienced by anyone

Rarely, Viagra can also cause other very serious problems, even when the person doesn’t take any medication. In these extremely uncommon events, a person may get sudden vision loss or sudden hearing loss. It can even cause a decrease in your hearing long-term.

Prolonged erection can also arise, so if an erection lasts longer than 4 hours, you should call a medical expert – as this can cause damages to your penis. See other treatments such as Cialis


There are a number of online sites that sell Viagra such as OzPills – you can check out their reviews here

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